Fire Protection Services
Installation, Inspection, Maintenance & Repair

Gary’s Plumbing & Fire, Inc., is a certified plumbing contractor in The Florida Keys for over 30 years, and are licensed contractor for fire protection services as well.
This offers an exceptional advantage in quality of our product and cost of our systems. We can provide you with fire protection systems from concept to buildout.
Our comprehensive fire service and inspection capabilities ensure your systems are National Fire Protection Association code-compliant and ready to respond effectively to any fire emergency.
Some Of Our Services
Wet Sprinkler System Inspection
- Main drain flow test
- Flow test system inspector’s test valve
- Test supervisory alarm switches (tamper and flow switches)
- Check all indicating type valves for proper operation
- Visual inspection of all sprinkler equipment
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection
Dry Sprinkler System Inspection
- Main drain flow test
- Flow test system inspector’s test valve
- Test supervisory alarm switches (tamper and pressure switches)
- Check all indicating type valves for proper operation
- Trip test dry valves (full trip test every 3 years, choke trip others)
- Drain all low points on system
- Visual inspection of all sprinkler equipment
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection
Preaction Sprinkler System Inspection
- Main drain flow test
- Flow test system inspector’s test valve
- Test supervisory alarm switches (tamper and pressure switches)
- Check all indicating type valves for proper operation
- Trip test dry valves (full trip test every 3 years, choke trip others)
- Drain all low points on system
- Visual inspection of all sprinkler equipment
- Test all detection, alarms, and LEDs through control panel functions
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection
Backflow Testing
- Annual testing and inspection of not only fire protection backflows, but also domestic backflow preventers
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection faxed to AHJ and copy given to customer
Internal & Pipe Obstruction Inspection & Testing
- Five-year internal and obstruction sprinkler pipe inspections
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection
Annual Hydrant Inspection
- Full flow test of private fire hydrant
- NFPA-compliant report of inspection
Annual Fire Pump Testing
- Testing of fire pump using manufacturer’s representative
- NFPA-compliant report of testing

Commercial Fire Protection
We are one of The Florida Keys largest Commercial Contractors. At Gary’s Plumbing & Fire, Inc., we offer Fire Protection services throughout the entire Florida Keys; Key Largo to Key West, and are certified, licensed & insured.
Our fire services division are licensed within the State of Florida.

Water Based Fire Sprinkler Systems
Foam Based Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire Pumps and Hydrants
HDPE Fusion Piping
Marine Dock Fire Line With Hose Valve Stanchions
Various Under and Above Ground Piping Systems
We provide Quarterly, Annual, 3yr & 5yr Fire Inspections Services throughout the Florida Keys & Key West

Inspections, Maintenance, Repairs
At Gary’s Plumbing & Fire we utilize top of the line Fire Pump Test Equipment, which allows us to minimize damage to landscaping, delivers exact flow rates, increases safety and saves time.
Scheduled service customers, are in our automated schedule system so that they do not have to worry about missing a scheduled inspection. We notify our customers as when an inspection becomes due, and coordinate inspection times. We also retain all inspection records in our system for future need, which helps diagnose deteriorating systems and provide access to you of all your inspection records if needed. All records are stored digitally on and off site for safety.
We also retain all CAD drawings given to us by our customers, and are able to provide print copies, and have the ability to modify drawings as the need arises.
Residential Fire Protection
We are a State Licensed Florida Contractor serving The Florida Keys and Key West. We provide Plumbing & Fire Protection services, this allows us to install combined plumbing and fire suppression systems in residential homes and multiple units.
By being a multi-licensed contractor we have the ability to combine fire suppression and plumbing system services to each of our Lower Keys and Key West Residential projects.